Thursday, January 12, 2006

Letter to the Editor

Gosh... what's wrong with Kennedy and Biden? Do they get some masochistic excitement out of reeking like fetid rectal blasts? I look at Kennedy's bloated face and see an alcoholic lunatic. Frankenstein is apparently the only one helping him finish his sentences by now.

Biden's looks like a foolish passive-agressive, pustule ready to burst all over himself. He vacilates between drooling over the girls at Princeton to absent mindedly opining out loud why no one likes him.

What an embarassment these two are. They wonder why Europeans don't like us (it must be because of that rascal Bush).'s not because we fart out loud at diplomatic's because our favorite two morons are drinking out of the toilet again. That disgusts even the French!

It's sad to see the Kennedy/Biden Bunch, so drunk, so out of it, so embarrassing and embarrassed. No one wants these two vermin to be making decisions for us....well...except for Massachusettians.

Hey Joe! Hey Ted! No one wants your bloated, senseless corpses hanging around...just interfering with people who actually work for a living.

What does this have to do with Liberal Golf? Well, consider the Kennedy water gambit. In golf, it's called the Kennedy water hazard rule: If the golfer hits a ball in the water, he may avoid a penalty that could injure his professional reputation by running from the site of the errant shot and hiding from all the other golfers in his foursome. If the player who hit water shot is successful in hiding from his partners for 4 minutes, he is not required to record a penalty on his score card simply by saying..."I never hit the ball in the's right here".

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